Oct 31, 2010

Happy Halloween.

This was my costume for today. I'm some weird version of Minnie Mouse because I had all this stuff in my closet already. Let's call me, "Thrifty Minnie". Just kidding, don't ever call me that.

Birdie's first Halloween. We're waiting for Gabe to come home from work, then we're heading off to a partay. :)

Oct 29, 2010

With a spooky little girl like you.

Hello. It's Halloween Friday! I wore my Rusty Orange Cardigan in celebration!
I really love Halloween. I mean, who doesn't (other than Christians in 1990)?
I went to my fair share of "Harvest Festivals" at church growing up. It was just as fun as trick or treating, guys!
Anyway, polkie dots just won't go away for me. I also got a new pair of shoes! Yay! I'd been in the market for some black patents. These are from Gilt's FarylRobin sale. I also got a beautiful HUGE new deer ring that I randomly found on Etsy (or maybe not so randomly as I was searching for 'big antler ring'). When it comes to deer rings, the bigger the better!

Birdie took advantage of my oversized sweater and plopped her self right down. She's still sleeping on my lap with no signs of awakening. I'm hungry though, so I hope she wakes up from her dreamland soon. :)

So, I have a convert-able outfit on today. When it gets cold, you actually put the cardigan on as opposed to draping over your shoulders. You then remove your belt and allow your dress to be released to full length. Then you dance around in your hallway! Tada! You're warm! You also resemble a mix between an orphan in the classic film, "Annie" and a grandma from 1980. What. A. Mix.

1988. Sorry for the poor quality. My family didn't take many pictures, my dad took tons of video instead so I grabbed this from one of our home videos. I went as Princess Diana, my idol. Obviously, I was the only 7 year old with any class. All I got from my friends was, "you don't look like a princess!". Well, you don't look like Amy Grant either, little girl.

My, what a large head you have! My mom found a pair of heels at a thrift store that would fit an 8 year old AND I got to carry a purse and wear lipstick. I was in hog heaven!

Happy weekend everyone! You're allowed to eat as much candy as you want from now till Sunday at midnight! More wisdom from Dr. Coury. You are welcome! :)

Oct 27, 2010

She made artificial flowers.

Today was the loveliest day of all days! The air was crisp, the sun was bright, and I spent the whole day with my two buddies.
We took birdie out for a walk and, of course, she got attacked (by people, not dogs) because she's just a sweetie-kins! Have I ever mentioned how much I am in love with her? Yes? Okay, just checking. :)

Here's my dog walking, coffee getting outfit. I wear these pants a lot. They are so comfortable. Dare I say, they are more comfortable than jeans and sweatpants combined? Well, maybe I won't be that daring, but they are berry comfy.

This morning we went to the theater to see "Easy A". It was cute. Nothing more, nothing less. I wish there were more good movies these days. We have to force ourselves to go to the movies because there's never anything we want to watch. Why, oh why, can't someone make Father of the Bride: Part 3...Megan and George graduate high school? As you can see, I have impeccable taste in entertainment. Only the best for me! As a testament to that, I recently did a google search to find out what the new Lifetime Christmas movies will be this year. :)

I made another Pioneer Woman dinner for us and now we need a treat! My parents are coming into town tomorrow! I am pumped.

Happy Wednesday. I really love you all.


Oct 26, 2010

You've really been grand!

This dress blows in the wind like no other! One of my favorite qualities in a garment. :)
I haven't been able to get dressed at all for the last few days so today I forced myself into this dress and peach sweater in an effort to feel better. Of course it worked. Now I am paying for it, but what would life be if you couldn't dress up every day?

Gabe is fixing us dinner tonight because I'm a sickie girl. I also get to listen to Holiday Pandora because I am a sickie girl.

The colors turned out weird on these photos so you can't really see the peach, teal, olive palette I was going for...but it's nice color combo to try out!

In conclusion, if you are feeling under the weather, put on a silk dress and walk around somewhere where the breeze can blow your skirt up. Then, snuggle with your partner and your puppy. Doctor's orders! :)

Oct 22, 2010

The sun'll come out tomorrow.

It actually only graced us with it's presence for a minute, but it was a nice minute!
This was my cozy, running boring errands outfit. But I have to tell you, even boring errands are so fun to me. I just love being out with my boy.

Polka dot blouse- Vintage
Pants- H&M
Oxfords- Dieppa Restrepo
Cardigan- Vintage
Clutch- Birthday Gift from my mom Sept 2008
Watch- Gift from my mom
Bracelet- Gift from Walt Disney (kinda)

Here's a hipstamatic collage of my house today. Birdie loves barking at that other identical Boston Terrier staring back at her. And I love silhouette portraits and pretty colors.

It's the weekend! Saturdays are my favorite because they are my shopping days! Plus, my brother and sister are coming over to visit with Birdie and I for a bit.

Ok, back to work I go!


Oct 21, 2010

I'm with you always, I'm with you rain or shine.

Yet another dreary day. I am certainly not complaining as it's made our weekend quite memorable. It's our first rainy weekend downtown and it's been just fantastic!
Had a million coffees today and two donuts...well I saved one for after dinner. Gabe's making dinner for us right now and we're listening to some Fred Astaire.
I love these tights. You're all right, tights are so uncomfortable, but SO necessary. I feel like Jane Banks in these tights. I just need some patent leather Mary Janes, which I actually needed before I was trying to channel Jane Banks. Oh, life!

Here's my partner in life. Couldn't love him more if it was possible, which it's not. He didn't want his pic taken, but he's just so cute!

Birdie girl got a new "coat". It's actually made for a teddy bear...so...
She's growing up so fast! Sigh!

We live downtown in a loft so we can't really take a puppy outside to potty because she hasn't had all her shots yet and because it would be impossible as puppy's potty about 20 times a day (no exaggeration). So we trained her on pads and I am a control freak when it comes to my home and they aren't pleasing to the eye. Gabe had this bright idea to line Birdies "Potty Pad Area" with potted plants so it's like her little garden area. You can see it in this picture on the side of the desk. I love it! Bravo Gabriel!


Oct 20, 2010


Another rainy day.
(Post office, coffee, new pillows, Ikea (ick), a new luxurious throw, plain grilled cheese at InNout..etc..)

I'm hungry for dinner already. What am I, 80? I've been making delightful dinners courtesy of Pioneer Woman. She uses so much cream & butter so obviously it's been very delicious! I'm trying to decide whether to make another one of her dinners or get some take-out. Pizza? We can't leave Birdie Girl again today. All we did was talk about her the whole time we were out. :)

Anyway, I love this sweater. It looks like one I've seen at H&M recently but I obviously didn't want to pay $50 for a sweater from H&M. Luckily, I found it's doppleganger. I got a couple of fun pairs of tights today as well. I have to get used to wearing tights again. They're SO uncomfortable.

In closing, here is the unbelievable cuteness that is Lil Miss Birds sneaking in a bite on her "Dad". She knows it's bad to bite but likes to stretch her boundaries, as you can see by the pure mischief on her face!

Hope your Wednesday is special! XO!


Oct 18, 2010

The streets uptown were paved with stars.

I can't even tell you how much I am enjoying the gloom. It's just pretty rare in LA so when it comes, it's nothing but fun. Especially if you don't have be anywhere and you can just enjoy it in your neighborhood and in your cozy loft!
Catching up on HBO and Showtime right now then we'll make some yumm dinner. I got to wear my Faux Fur hood for the first time this season!

Oh, and my little girl was featured on her first blog. Hehe. :)

Happy Monday!