We are so lucky so far that Darcy has been super sweet and calm and healthy. Never take any of that for granted, even when I'm up 5 times a night and exhausted in the morning. Health is everything. Goldie has been exceptionally sweet and made this transition even easier for us. She is so in love with her baby bruvva and has not acted out at all. Most of that is probably due to her God given sweet nature but we have also taken great care to make her special and to not change up her routine or life too much. Whenever I try to take her out by herself for a special one on one time, she asks why Darcy can't come. So sweet. And I know it probably sounds silly to say of a 3.5 week old, but I already see his sweet demeanor coming through. When he gazes up at me, I can see such kindness in his eyes. He is patient and understanding. I am bursting with excitement to see the little boy he becomes.
I am guilty of listening to my Christmas music mix right now but that's because I'm sentimental and emotional and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Right now it's on "I believe in you and me" of Preacher's Wife fame. One of my favorites.
Anyway, here are a few pics from the hospital and the first couple of days home with our sweet babies. I had such an amazing birth experience at Huntington in Pasadena. We got to the hospital at 3:30pm and baby was born at 6:32pm. Not too shabby! I did get an epidural but was so mad at myself because I ended up giving birth about 30 minutes later AND it didn't even work. I felt every contraction. Oh well, my recovery was still way easier than last time. In every way. Everything is as it should be.
So, if you are on the fence, go for baby number 2. :) Haha.
Minutes after his birth!

Goldie was so excited to meet him!

Thank God I had just done my nails. HAHA.

Is this not the best hospital room you've ever seen?! The only reason we got it was because Darcy had to be under the blue light all night so we needed a bigger room. That was awful but I choose to remember the good!

So thankful our friend Lisa snapped these pics in the hospital. They will be so special.

Getting the heck out of dodge!

"Mommy, can I hold him??" every 5 seconds. :)

Thanks for following along as our family grew. I love all of you and your kind words have meant the world to me. ♥