Included in the giveaway:
1 free month of Le Tote! Le Tote is a monthly fashion rental service. You receive a personalized box of clothing and accessories based on your wish lists that you can wear as long as you want. Return and get new pieces as many times as you want during the month. So great for new moms who don't have time to do...well..anything. Ha.
An 8 pack of Bamboobies washable nursing pads. I'm still using these 3 months in. Arg! They are so soft and nice, though. Not scratchy like the disposable ones and that's so important when you're so sore in the beginning. These are mom invented which always means a lot to me because moms KNOW. Also from Bamboobies is the amazing organic nipple balm.
The Momsense Smart Breastfeeding Meter informs moms how much breast milk their baby nursed by providing real-time data and reports. So helpful when you're worried about your baby not getting enough milk in the beginning. I didn't get to use this but I'm sure it would have eased my mind.
Enter to win all these items below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*this post was sponsored by these great brands and all opinions are my own.
XO, Coury