We played my mom's favorite game: "The Tray Game"...I performed terribly and I definitely blame it on Goldie taking up some of my brain power at the moment. ;) Hehe. We played "guess how many pink whoppers and pink yogurt raisins are in the bottles". I'm actually the one who counted them because I wanted to eat them later. And what do you know?? I'm eating some raisins as we speak. We also played a fun baby guessing game that my sister so aptly named, "Who Dat Baby???" I loved seeing everyone as baybays. SO fun.
Obviously I had imagined my baby shower for...ever I guess. It was all I hoped it would be. We considered going co-ed so Gabe could celebrate too but boys don't like games, they don't like pink, and they only like meat. Nope.
It really, really touched my heart that everyone was there for Goldie and I can't wait to show her later who was there and the sweet things they brought to welcome her to the world. *Tears* And I really can't say how thankful I am to my gals (mom and sis) for putting so much thought into everything. It's not easy planning and hosting a party, that's for sure! One things is for sure though...I will never forget this day. ♥
Here are way too many photos:

Anyway, that's a whole lot of pictures and I'm glad to be able to share with you. Hope you have a great week. I will be resting as much as I possibly can the next couple of weeks. Gotta get this babay girl to full term and my life is one long contraction at this point!