I'm happy that I could go tights-less in December. There are only a handful of days when this is possible from now to March. All the trees are looking mighty bare these days.
Anyway, so much fun with my little family. Goldie couldn't love adventuring around any more than she does. It's so much fun to see her discovering her world. Impossible to describe, actually. Magic, that's all.
We've been packing up this apartment (well, starting to) and we have under 3 weeks until we move into our new house (as long as nothing gets delayed)! Woohoo! We should be in just in time to decorate for Christmas and then take it all down a week later. Don't care, worth it!
I'm currently juggling all my online carts waiting to pull the trigger (amazon, pbteen, rugsusa, etc) as we need practically everything. Why is it that when you move into a new place it seems like you don't have any necessities? Well, it's definitely fun and we'll be getting each other "house gifts" this year. I have finally grown up because now I think that measuring cups and tea towels are fun Christmas gifts. ♥

I'm Wearing:
Playsuit: c/o Sugarhill Boutique
Cardigan: Fancy Treehouse
Coat: Romwe
Shoes: Steven
Goldie's wearing:
My beanie from Asos
Coat from janie and jack
Pants from Zara
XO, Coury
For questions and comments connect with me on Instagram! ♥

Romwe Cyber Monday sale, 2nd December!
4000+ styles, from $1.99, only 24 hours!
Don’t miss, girls: