May 28, 2014

The long long weekend.

This weekend was almost comically  long. I think we just shoved so much fun into it that it seemed everlasting. It filled my tank up so full and is seeping through into Wednesday. It's been awhile. Gabe has been working til 8pm most friday nights and back to work at 7am on Monday...that makes a fairly short weekend. This weekend ran from Friday at 4pm to Tuesday at 7am. Perfect, needed, and grateful for it.

The weather is officially HOT. Not too shabby, especially when we have a beautiful pool here. Every summer since I can remember I have always thought, "I wonder if there's a pool we can find somewhere". This is the first time I can just walk to a pool whenever I feel like it. Don't mistake it, taking an 18.5 month old to a pool is no simple task....but well worth it. She loves the "wawa". 

I also ordered a bunch of different mix and match bikinis from UO and Asos and will see what works. Fun, fun, summer fun! Anyway, boring. Ha ha.

Other than that, I am treasuring every hour with Goldie. She is at THE ABSOLUTE BEST AGE EVER. SOOOOO much better than any age. FUN. Personality. SO ALIVE. I am in heaven.

Other than that, I need to get to California soon....just for a visit for now. 

Have a great wednesday everyone! Hey, look! It's almost the weekend again (kinda).

XO, Coury

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