Goldie has used only Maxi-Cosi carseats since birth and we have been so happy with them so I was so excited to see this great pattern and fabric option become available. When I was pregnant I spent so many hours researching the safest and best products and the overwhelmingly positive reviews on Amazon are what ultimately led me to Maxi-Cosi. We definitely made some wrong decisions with our baby gear purchases but this one was a slam dunk. Ha ha. But seriously, it's been great and I am so excited to be representing them.
The collection consists of an umbrella stroller, a carseat, and an infant carseat. I'll introduce you to the carseats later but here's a look at the stroller. It's super lightweight and easy to fold and the pattern is just so fun. I'll definitely be planning some outfits around it in the future....ohhhhhhh me!
We had a fun Sunday walk in Franklin and created some fun summer memories. Loved every second. :)

I'm Wearing:
Dress: Onze Shop
Shoes: Topshop
*We weren't moving when she wasn't buckled in. :)
*This post brought to you in partnership with Maxi-Cosi. Thanks a million for supporting my sponsors and helping to allow me to spend as much time as I can with my daughter when she needs me :)
XO, Coury