Goldie is still too young to stay up for fireworks. Maybe next year she'll be able to handle it. Lucky for us, she is not a light sleeper anymore and the crackling and popping sounds all night didn't phase her at all. Have I mentioned that we all sleep all night most nights now? It's like all of a sudden, our baby is gone and we have a little girl. I am enjoying this phase far more than the baby phase. It was so stressful. I don't know if I can put myself through that again. In any case, I am enjoying our little girl and melting inside on the hour from some new cute thing she does. She's just the greatest thing ever to happen. EVER. ♥
Anywho, here are some holiday snaps of our wonderful day.

I'm wearing:
Blouse: Zara
Bag & Sunnies: Asos
Oxfords: Bass
XO, Coury