Anyway, what was my point?
Don't know.
I'm 30 weeks pregnant.
Feeling blessed to be feeling so great (for being 30 weeks pregnant, you know?)
Last time I was pregnant I was already in resting mode because I was having so many contractions. I am definitely getting them now but I'm not drinking too much water (which I think was actually causing contractions last time) and I'm not freaking out about them so I'm in a way better place than I was. I'm having a harder time emotionally this time because I'm so scared of my relationship with Goldie changing. I can't bear to think about it but so many people have done this before me and survived. We can do it!
Anyway, Gabe snapped these of us after a fun FabKids event we went to at Au Fudge. Making all the memories I can with my sweet girl and will continue to do so every day we are healthy and able to enjoy this beautiful world.

Goldie's dress is by FabKids and her collar is Crew and Lu.
My dress will be in the shop soon.
XO, Coury