I'm also excited to share with you that HP is going "on tour" with Megan Trainor on her #thatbasstour and documenting it with the help of fans! Such a fun idea. Goldie is obsessed with the song, "All About That Bass" as I think many babies are? She loves dancing to it so I do too. ♥

In accordance with the 4 modes you can utilize with the x360, I'm bringing you 4 ways to survive Winter. Today we have icy snow happening and....um...I literally can't. Ha ha. But seriously, I can't handle cold weather and I have some serious cabin fever so I'm the best at trying to keep myself happy on these kind of days.
1. DRESS UP. I don't care that you aren't leaving the house. Put on a dress and crank the heater up. It definitely tricks me sometimes into thinking it's nice and warm outside...especially when the sun's out.
2. FRESH FLOWERS. And lots of them. They are instant day brighteners. The more colorful, the better.

3. BAKE SOMETHING SWEET. If you're stuck inside, you can at least create something pretty, right?
4. WATCH HAPPY MOVIES. I agonize over screen time for Goldie. But it's so hard in the Winter. I decided I just have to let go somedays and let her watch a couple of animated features and try not to feel guilty.

Ok guys, thanks for reading and definitely share some of your tips with ME over on instagram.
XO, Coury

*This post was sponsored by HP. Thanks a million for supporting my sponsors and allowing me to do what I love. ♥