Loving here. Right back to our old tricks. This is the par by Birdie's dog park in Pasadena. It's just a bit different now because we have to stop and play at every playground fro awhile for Goldie. :)
Today is rainy and that's weird...I left Nashville to escape the rain! Ha. Oh well, it's going to be sunny for the next 10 days after this so I'm good. :)
Goldie is refusing to eat so I gave her cereal for dinner. I know. "They" say that if you keep trying to give them healthy food they will eventually get hungry enough and eat it...but they don't know the strong willed woman that Goldie is.......she is strong as steel. So, I'm just doing the best I can.
Anyway, hope you're having a nice Saturday. We're gonna get Goldie off to bed and then probably listen to the rain and binge on some Nurse jackie or something. I really love our new place. I'll do a little tour as soon as everything is all figured out.

Blazer: Fancy Treehouse
Skirt: Fancy Treehouse
Top: Pepa Loves
Shoes: Dieppa Restrepo
Oh, and here is our latest youtube video.
XO, Coury