Hi guys! So happy to be partnering with Dove today to encourage mothers to pass along hair confidence to their daughters! As I've said many times before, I take my responsibility for grooming Goldie to be a confident, strong girl very seriously.
Earlier this year, Dove Hair found that 8 in 10 women feel pressure to wear their hair a certain way. For many, these pressures begin at an early age. Growing up, I always wanted anyones hair but my own. My hair is pretty fine, totally straight, and without bleach it's a dull dark blonde color. All I ever wanted was some curl and texture. Now that I have evolved into ME, I have grown to love my hair and figured out ways to make it how I like it. I use dry shampoo for texture and body and I can say that I do love my hair now! Being almost 6 months postpartum, I have lost tons of hair. I've got clumps coming out every time I wash it...BUT I have some perspective and know that I can be confident mo matter what my hair looks like.
The most important thing to me is that we all celebrate each other for being unique. As a mother, you can make a difference and ensure she grows up feeling confident. In fact, a recent study found that 82% of girls learn to care about themselves from their mother. I try to teach her every day that everyone's differences make them special and beautiful. I like to believe that the world is becoming more accepting of people that are different than them, but the biggest difference this generation of moms and dads can make is in our own houses. If we can encourage our children to love and accept themselves first, they will love and accept others that much more.
Tell your daughter why you love her hair and inspire her to do the same by creating and sharing a custom #LoveYourHair animated message with @Dove at LoveYourHair.Dove.com

Thanks to Dove for partnering with me on this post and thanks to Goldie for letting me curl her hair today. Haha. :)